Frequently Asked Questions

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Why is a default node required?

The data center management system needs to interact with the Default Chain (Spartan-I Chain) in order to obtain data directly from the chain for NTT management, and the default node is the access point to the chain. Please make sure this node is successfully deployed before deploying the data center management system.

What is NTT?

A Non-Tradable Token (NTT) is a non-transferable network utility token that is issued on the default chain of the BSN Spartan Network. Each BSN Spartan data center has only one registered NTT wallet to manage and hold NTT, which can be purchased with fiat currency or designated stablecoins or acquired through incentive programs. NTT must be used to purchase Gas Credits on any NC Public Chain of the BSN Spartan Network. NTT can neither be traded nor transferred between data centers.

What is an NTT Wallet?

As a special Default Chain wallet, the NTT Wallet refers to the only wallet address owned by the Virtual Data Center Operator on the BSN Spartan Network, which can be used to purchase Gas Credits with NTT or receive NTT incentives.

What is a Wallet Address?

In Spartan Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chains, a Wallet Address is a Gas Credit receiving address, which is a unique sequence of hexadecimal numbers.

Why is Private Key Configuration required?

The private key is usually a sequence of 64-bit hexadecimal numbers which is used to make data signatures for transactions. To facilitate the user without repeatedly entering the private key, in the data center management system, an 8-16 digits password is set to configure the private key to the keystore in user's local server. When submitting transactions to the chain, users can directly use this password instead of a complex private key.

What is a Private Key?

A private key is a secret number that is used in cryptography, similar to a password. In cryptocurrency, private keys are also used to sign transactions and prove ownership of a blockchain address.

What is a Spartan Virtual Data Center?

A Spartan Virtual Data Center is a set of locally installed software systems that contains one or more registered full nodes of different NC Public Chains. Each Virtual Data Center has one NTT wallet and is eligible to receive Node Establishment and Data Center Monthly Incentives.

What is the Node Establishment Incentive Program?

When a new full node is registered to the BSN Spartan Network, a fixed amount of NTT will be given to the Data Center as an incentive, depending on the number of new nodes needed by a given chain. If the incentive amount for a given Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chain needs to be changed, a consensus vote will be initiated. The incentive amount will be updated if a certain percentage of consensus parties agree. These incentive NTT will be directly minted to the NTT Wallet of the data center.

What is the Data Center Monthly Incentive Program?

For Spartan, as an infrastructure network, its task is to provide Data Center users with infrastructure that can carry their own services. The only criterion for measuring whether Spartan is doing well or not is how many services are based on it. Therefore, Spartan needs a mechanism to motivate more Data Centers to use it to complete more practical services.

Incentive Level Gas Credit Consumption (NTT) in Previous Month Progressive Loyalty NTT Ratio
Tier 1 0 - 200 100%
Tier 2 201 - 3,000 60%
Tier 3 3,001 - 20,000 40%
Tier 4 20,001 - 100,000 20%
Tier 5 More than 100,000 10%


  • The incentive amount is also based on the nodes' regular health check results.

Why are Data Center ID and Token Configuration required?

The user’s Data Center ID and Token will be required when the Data Center Management System interacts with the Data Center management contracts on the Default Chain.

What is Gas Credit?

In a similar fashion to cryptocurrencies, Gas Credits are used as a means of paying Gas fees on NC Public Chains. However, Gas Credits cannot be transferred between standard wallets. Only the Data Center Operator 's NTT wallet can be used to purchase Gas Credits with NTT.

How does Emergency Gas Credit Top-Up Work?

When your NTT Wallet’s gas credit balance is insufficient to complete a normal Top-up transaction, use the Emergency Gas Credit Top-up to consume your NTT to top up the Gas Credit of your NTT Wallet once. Instead of using the Gas Credit of the given NTT wallet, emergency gas credit top-up will use a wallet topped-up in advance by the foundation to pay for the Gas Credit required for the transaction. So, there are restrictions on the frequency of use, and it can be only used to top up the given NTT Wallet itself.

What is the Node Registration Test?

The Spartan Governance System will send multiple requests at fixed intervals to the testing node to query the current block height. If the difference between the block height information returned by the node and the consensus block height is less than a certain range, then the node will pass the test. If after a certain number of requests, the block height information returned by the node still has a large gap with the consensus block height, then the test will fail.

Does the Data Center Management System collect user data?

The Data Center Management System does not collect any user data. All the information configured by the user is stored locally, the Data Center Management System only interacts with the locally installed full nodes, and never interact with any third-party systems externally, the submitted data is directly uploaded to the chains, and the data used for display is obtained by parsing events from the chains or from the local database. The Data Center Management System is open source and users can compile and deploy the system by themselves.

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