Spartan Gas Credit Governance Contract

Function Introduction

The Gas Credit governance contract is called when the Data Center Operator uses NTT to top up the Gas Credit of the end-user’s wallet.

Smart contract address: 0x92caf82E03003e602bC6eF655B7b9b74f13e825d

API Definition

Query Exchange Rate

The Data Center Operator can query the NTT/Gas Credit exchange rate by calling this interface.

  • Input parameters: chain ID;

  • Output parameters: exchange rate;

  • Function definition: getExchRatio (uint256 chainID) view returns (uint256);

  • Example:

    public BigInteger getExchRatio(BigInteger chainId, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check chainId
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(chainId, "chainId");
    // input params
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // send call tran and decode output
    InputAndOutputResult inputAndOutputResult = sendCallTransactionAndDecodeOutput(options, arrayList, GasCreditRechargeFunctions.GET_EXCH_RATIO, gasCreditRechargeContract);
    return (BigInteger) inputAndOutputResult.getResult().get(0).getData();

Query Nonce

The Data Center Operator can get the latest nonce value of the signer's wallet address by calling this function.


  • This function is only applicable to the nonce value corresponding to the emergency Gas Credit top-up service.
  • Input parameters: owner;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: getNonce (address from) view returns (uint256);

  • Example:

  public Long getNonce() throws IOException {
    synchronized (obj) {
        if (addressNonce.get() == -1) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            queuedNonce = getTxPoolQueued();

            if (!queuedNonce.isEmpty()) {
                Long getQueuedNonce = checkQueuedNonce(Long.valueOf(addressNonce.get()));
                queuedNonce = getTxPoolQueued();
      "The queue is not empty after the reset. Nonce:" + addressNonce.get());
        } else {
            // local nonce +1
            if (!queuedNonce.isEmpty()) {
                Long getQueuedNonce = checkQueuedNonce(Long.valueOf(addressNonce.get()));

                queuedNonce = getTxPoolQueued();

                Long nodePendingNonce = Long.valueOf(getNonceByNode().toString());

                if (addressNonce.get() <= nodePendingNonce) {
      "Queue is not empty. Nonce:" + addressNonce.get());
        return addressNonce.get();

Top up the Gas Credit

The Data Center Operator calls this interface to top up Gas Credit for end-users.

  • Input parameters: receiver address, amount of Gas Credit, chain ID;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: gcRechg (string memory receiver, uint256 gcAmt, uint8 chainID);

  • Event parameters: operator, receiver address, amount of consumed NTT, amount of Gas Credit, chain ID, Top-up ID;

  • Event definition: GCRechg (address indexed operator, string indexed receiver, uint256 nttAmt, uint256 gcAmt, uint8 chainID, bytes rechgID);

  • Example:

    public ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean gcRechg(String sender, String receiver, BigInteger engAmt, int chainId, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check sender
    // check receiver
    checkAddress(receiver, "receiver account");
    // check engAmt
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(engAmt, "energy amount");
    // input params
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // build transaction
    ReqJsonRpcBean reqJsonRpcBean = assembleTransaction(sender, GasCreditRechargeFunctions.GC_RECHG, arrayList, options, gasCreditRechargeContract);
    String offLineHash = Hash.sha3(reqJsonRpcBean.getParams().get(0).toString());
    ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean = new ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean();
    return reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean;

Query the Topped-up Gas Credit

The Data Center Operator can call this interface to query its Gas Credit top-up record.

  • Input parameters: Top-up ID;

  • Output parameters: Gas Credit top-up record;

  • Function definition: getGCRechg (bytes rechgID) view returns(RechgInfo);

  • Example:

    public RechgInfo getGCRechg(String rechgID, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // input parameter
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // send call tran and decode output
    InputAndOutputResult inputAndOutputResult = getECRechg(options, arrayList, GasCreditRechargeFunctions.GET_GC_RECHG, gasCreditRechargeContract);

    RechgInfo rechgInfo = new RechgInfo();
    rechgInfo.setNttAmt(new BigDecimal(valueOf(inputAndOutputResult.getResult().get(3).getData())).divide(NTT_RATIO));
    rechgInfo.setEcAmt(new BigInteger(valueOf(inputAndOutputResult.getResult().get(4).getData())));
    return rechgInfo;

Notify Gas Credit Top-up

This event allows the data center to resolve the events triggered by the Gas Credit top-up notification interface called by the Spartan Network operators.

  • Event parameters: operator, top-up ID, status, remarks;

  • Event definition: gcRechgUpdateStatus (address indexed operator,bytes rechgID,Status status,string remark);

  • Example:
 public ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean gcRechgUpdateStatus(String sender,String rechgID, int status, String remark, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check sender

    // input params
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // build transaction
    ReqJsonRpcBean reqJsonRpcBean = ecRechgUpdateStatus(sender, GasCreditRechargeFunctions.GC_RECHG_UPDATE_STATUS, arrayList, options, gasCreditRechargeContract);
    String offLineHash = Hash.sha3(reqJsonRpcBean.getParams().get(0).toString());
    ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean = new ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean();
    return reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean;

Notify Batch Gas Credit Top-up

This event allows the Data Center Operator to parse the events triggered by the Batch Gas Credit top-up notification interface called by the Spartan Network operators.

  • Event parameters: operator, top-up ID list, status list, remarks list;

  • Event definition: GCRechgBatchUpdateStatus (address indexed operator,bytes[] rechgIDs,Status[] statusList,string[] remarks);

  • Example:
    public ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean gcRechgBatchUpdateStatus(String sender, ArrayList<byte[]> rechgIDs, ArrayList<BigInteger> status, ArrayList<String> remark, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check sender

    // build transaction
    ReqJsonRpcBean reqJsonRpcBean = sendEcRechgBatchUpdateStatus(sender, GasCreditRechargeFunctions.GC_RECHG_BATCH_UPDATE_STATUS, rechgIDs,status,remark, options, gasCreditRechargeContract);
    String offLineHash = Hash.sha3(reqJsonRpcBean.getParams().get(0).toString());
    ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean = new ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean();
    return reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean;

Emergency Gas Credit Top-up

This event allows the Data Center Operator to parse the events triggered by the emergency gas credit top-up interface called by the Spartan Network operators.

  • Event parameters: operator, data center NTT wallet, receiver address, amount of consumed NTT, amount of Gas Credit, chain ID, top-up ID, nonce, expiration date;

  • Event definition: MetaGCRechg (address indexed operator,address indexed dcAcc,string indexed receiver,uint256 nttAmt,uint256 gcAmt,uint8 chainID,bytes rechgID,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline);

  • Example:

    public ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean metaGCRechg(String sender, String dcAcc, String receiver, BigInteger engAmt, BigInteger chainId, BigInteger nonce, BigInteger deadline, String sign, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check sender
    // check dcAcc
    checkAddress(dcAcc, "dc account");
    // check receiver
    checkNonEmpty(receiver, "receiver");
    // check engAmt
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(engAmt, "energy amount");
    // check nonce
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(nonce, "nonce");
    // check deadline
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(deadline, "deadline");
    // check sign
    checkNonEmpty(sign, "sign");

    // build transaction
    ReqJsonRpcBean reqJsonRpcBean = sendMetaECRechg(sender, GasCreditRechargeFunctions.META_GC_RECHG, dcAcc,receiver,engAmt,chainId,nonce,deadline, Hex.decode(sign),options, gasCreditRechargeContract);
    String offLineHash = Hash.sha3(reqJsonRpcBean.getParams().get(0).toString());
    ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean = new ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean();
    return reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean;

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