Spartan NTT Management Contract

Function Introduction

The NTT management contract provides a complete set of NTT APIs for the data center’s NTT wallet management. The APIs include NTT generation, NTT transfer, NTT query and other functions.

The transaction types are as follows:

0 Node Establishment Incentive Program
1 Monthly Incentive
3 Top Up Gas Credit
4 Top Up NTT
7 NTT refund
8 NTT collection
10 Emergency Gas Credit Top-Up Service Fee

Smart contract address: 0x503Aa847AcBCF89EC8F05557436871c7A8662070

API Definition

Mint NTT Data

The Data Center Operator can get NTT mint data by parsing this event.

  • Event parameters: operator, sender address (0x0), receiver address, amount of NTT, the balance of sender address (null), the balance of receiver address, transaction type;

  • Event definition: Transfer (address indexed operator, address indexed from, address to, uint256 amount, uint256 fromBalance, uint256 toBalance, TransType transType);

  • Example:

     public ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean transfer(String sender, String from, String to, BigInteger amount, int transType, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check sender
    // check from
    checkAddress(from, "from account");
    // check to
    checkAddress(to, "to account");
    // check amount
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(amount, "amount");

    // input params
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // build transaction
    ReqJsonRpcBean reqJsonRpcBean = assembleTransaction(sender, NTTFunctions.TRANSFER, arrayList, options, nttContract);
    String offLineHash = Hash.sha3(reqJsonRpcBean.getParams().get(0).toString());
    ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean = new ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean();
    return reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean;

Transferred NTT Data

The Data Center Operator can get transferred NTT data by parsing this event.

  • Event parameters: operator, sender address, receiver address, amount of NTT, balance of sender address, balance of receiver address, transaction type;

  • Event definition: Transfer (address indexed operator, address indexed from, address to, uint256 amount, uint256 fromBalance, uint256 toBalance, TransType transType);

  • Example:

    public ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean transfer(String sender, String from, String to, BigInteger amount, int transType, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check sender
    // check from
    checkAddress(from, "from account");
    // check to
    checkAddress(to, "to account");
    // check amount
    checkBigIntegerEmpty(amount, "amount");

    // input params
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // build transaction
    ReqJsonRpcBean reqJsonRpcBean = assembleTransaction(sender, NTTFunctions.TRANSFER, arrayList, options, nttContract);
    String offLineHash = Hash.sha3(reqJsonRpcBean.getParams().get(0).toString());
    ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean = new ReqJsonWithOfflineHashBean();
    return reqJsonWithOfflineHashBean;

Query NTT Balance

The Data Center Operator can call this interface to query the NTT balance of the NTT wallet.

  • Input parameters: none;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: balanceOf (address account) view returns (uint256);

  • Example:

    public BigDecimal balanceOf(String account, RequestOptions options) throws Exception {
    // check account address
    checkAddress(account, "account address");
    // input params
    ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

    // send call tran and decode output
    InputAndOutputResult inputAndOutputResult = sendCallTransactionAndDecodeOutput(options, arrayList, NTTFunctions.BALANCE_OF, nttContract);
    BigInteger amtInteger =  ((BigInteger) inputAndOutputResult.getResult().get(0).getData());
    BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(amtInteger);
    return (bigDecimal.divide(NTT_RATIO));

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